Barbie, a mermaid princess, embarks on a mission to rescue her friend and discover a hidden undersea kingdom. Along the way, she faces challenges and fights against an undersea ruler. With the help of her friends and her responsibility, Barbie searches for a comb that will unlock the secrets of the underwater world and reunite her with her friend.
Ariel, a young mermaid, is forbidden to interact with humans or make music by her strict father. However, Ariel's curiosity and passion for music lead her on a journey to uncover the truth about her mother's disappearance and save her kingdom from a sinister threat.
Faith-fueled friends Muggles and Joy visit the beautiful Finding Jesus Bay, a place where Christian stories are told night and day. Guided by the sea's best storyteller, Professor Shark, they hear all about the endless kindness and boundless love of their Creator. Then, together, they go forth to spread His word, and make their world a better place.
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