Kengan Ashura is an anime TV show based on a manga series. The story follows a young fighter named Ohma Tokita, who enters a secret underground tournament called the Kengan matches. He joins the tournament in order to save his father's business, which is on the verge of bankruptcy. Ohma must battle against powerful opponents and use his skills in martial arts to overcome challenges and emerge victorious. Along the way, he uncovers secrets about his past and forms unexpected alliances.
Killing Bites is an anime TV show that revolves around combat sports involving anthropomorphic characters. These characters possess unique abilities and engage in deadly fights. The show combines action, adventure, and elements of science fiction, creating an exciting and gritty storyline.
A boxer in Chicago fights to pay off his debts and save his family, while also dealing with racial tension and his own sexuality.
On the run from a past crime, Juzo Fujimaki is blackmailed into joining an illicit tournament and has to face top martial artists in deadly match-ups.
A group of fighters with different motivations and personal struggles unite to participate in an underground fighting tournament. As they face challenges and confront their own demons, they learn valuable lessons about friendship, strength, and perseverance.
In 1925, a journalist and his sidekick find themselves embarking on an adventure as they join an underground martial arts tournament in search of a lost city and a golden dragon. Along the way, they encounter various challenges and obstacles, testing their skills and determination.
In Best of the Best 2, a martial arts master seeks revenge after his brother is murdered. He enters an underground tournament to take down the mobster responsible, using his skills in hand-to-hand combat. With high-stakes fights and intense training, he becomes a one-man army in his quest for justice.
In Bloodsport III, a martial arts hero returns to compete in an underground tournament called Kumite. He must fight against various opponents and face the challenges of the intense combat sport, showcasing his skills and determination. The movie is filled with action, thrill, and intense fight scenes.
A father takes part in a brutal underground fighting tournament to win the prize money and save his daughter who is in urgent need of surgery. He must face powerful opponents and use his skills as a strongman to fight his way to victory.
In a dystopian world, a team of skilled warriors compete in a deadly sport to satisfy their craving for combat and revenge. Set in a desert wasteland, the movie follows their struggles as they battle in a sports arena, facing off against rival teams and overcoming various challenges. The story explores themes of survival, loyalty, and the limits of human endurance.
After his friend is murdered, a man participates in an underground martial arts tournament in order to get revenge on the crime gang responsible.
In Pit Fighter, a former wrestler turned underground pit fighter enters a brutal martial arts tournament to seek redemption. He must face off against ruthless fighters, navigate a dangerous underground world, and confront his own dark past. With intense hand-to-hand combat and high-stakes matches, the pit fighter fights for his life and his chance at redemption.
In American Samurai, a skilled martial artist finds himself thrust into a modern gladiator arena where he must fight to rescue his love interest. With intense hand-to-hand combat and intense battles, he must prove himself as a true warrior.
In the mean streets of Los Angeles, a kickboxing champion finds himself drawn into a high-stakes underground tournament. With his brother's life on the line, he must navigate the dangerous world of illegal fistfights and organized crime in order to save him. Along the way, he discovers the true meaning of honor and brotherhood.
Gladiator Cop is a movie set in a world filled with violence and illegal fistfights. The story revolves around a tough cop who decides to enter an underground tournament in order to conquer the world. Along the way, he encounters various challenges and fights against skilled opponents. The movie explores themes of power, determination, and the quest for glory.
Preparing for the hand-to-hand battle of his life and the title of Champion Star Runner, a headstrong fighter creates a deadly hybrid mix of Thai kickboxing and Chinese kung fu. Get ready for the ultimate Pan-Asian mixed martial arts competition, where anything goes and lives are bought and sold.
Street Warrior is a movie about a skilled martial artist who enters an underground cage fighting tournament to prove himself. He faces brutal opponents and fights for survival, showcasing his training and fighting skills.
Prisoners are dying at the Ogden Correctional Institution, a prison where a corrupt Warden has taken justice and business into his own hands. In the bowels of this prison, an underground fighting society has been formed. The Circuit is flourishing until investigative reporter Nicole Kent is thrown into the mix, and into Pike's cell where she is viciously attacked and left for dead. Enter Dirk Longstreet. Dirk, who was once a fighting champion on the Eastern seaboard circuit, now has to sit idly by as his girlfriend fights for her life. Dirk decides to fight for revenge
"Bags" the boxer (funnyman Tim Conway) and his manager, Shake (Don Knotts), are quite a pair: One is a dim bulb, and the other has a mean streak. Times are tough and they must save their gym, so they line up some moneymaking fights. But when Bags and Shake discover that the bouts have been rigged, they end up with their backs to the wall and must fight back -- literally.
The Big Man tells the story of a man who finds himself thrust into the brutal world of illegal fistfighting. Fueled by his determination to provide for his family and escape poverty, he battles his way to the top, facing off against ruthless opponents and navigating the dangerous underworld of organized crime. As he fights to prove himself and protect those he loves, he must confront his own inner demons and make difficult choices that will determine his fate.