Liberal Arts is a heartwarming comedy-drama that follows Jesse Fisher, a 35-year-old man who is nostalgic for his college days and finds himself falling for a 19-year-old college student. As their relationship develops, Jesse is forced to confront his own unhappiness and search for meaning in his life.
Brightest Star follows the story of a young man who moves to the big city in search of love and fulfillment. Along the way, he encounters various obstacles and challenges that test his resilience and determination. Will he be able to find what he's looking for?
When a group of college students create an experimental film-making club, they embark on a series of misadventures that test their friendship. As they navigate through the challenges of college life, including loss of virginity, underage drinking, and teacher-student relationships, they learn valuable lessons about love, loyalty, and self-discovery.
A group of hippie students in Austin, Texas move into an old big house in the woods. However, something else is there and it's influencing them.
When an undergraduate commits suicide, his best friend is sent down from university because he did nothing to prevent the death, which he felt was a choice his friend had a right to make.
A graduate student discovers her nightmares are actually visions of real-life murders committed by a man known as the Clock Killer. Joined by an unbelieving detective, she decides she must stop the killer herself, or become his next victim.
Four best friends get together for one last weekend before college graduation to finally confront the secrets that hold the key to the rest of their lives.
Four college students are participants in a fraternity hazing.
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