In 1920s Los Angeles, a young girl named Alexandria befriends Roy, a bedridden patient in a hospital, who tells her a captivating story set on a desert island. The story involves a group of prisoners seeking revenge on Governor Odious. As the story unfolds, Alexandria becomes immersed in the tale, but the line between fiction and reality begins to blur. Through the power of storytelling, both Roy and Alexandria find solace and hope in the face of their own personal struggles.
My Skinny Sister is about a teenage girl named Stella who idolizes her older sister Katja. However, Stella soon discovers that Katja is battling an eating disorder. As Stella tries to navigate her own adolescent struggles, she is confronted with the difficult task of supporting her sister while also protecting her secret.
The Violent Years follows the story of a teenage girl gang led by a delinquent 18-year-old girl from a rich family. The gang gets involved in armed robberies, murder trials, and various criminal activities. As their crimes escalate, their actions become more dangerous and thrilling, leading to a devastating outcome.
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