In the year 70 of the Cosmic Era, a genetic mutation called the 'Coordination Disorder' occurs, causing tensions between Earth and the space colonies. Amidst the conflict, Kira Yamato, a teenage boy with exceptional piloting skills, finds himself caught in the middle as he becomes the pilot of the powerful mobile suit Gundam. With the fate of humanity at stake, Kira must navigate through the complexities of war, love, and responsibility.
Sugar Rush follows the journey of a teenage girl as she navigates her way through a world of love, friendship, and difficult choices. Set in Brighton, England, the series explores themes of sexual identity, infidelity, and family dynamics, all while providing a dark comedic undertone. As the protagonist embarks on a path of self-discovery, she encounters ecstasy, extramarital affairs, teenage lesbian relationships, and the consequences of her actions.
The economic gap widens between the affluent, technologically advanced, hybrid Coordinators and the simple Earth Alliance known as the Naturals; the rift, unsurprisingly, has driven them apart in the 70th year of the Cosmic times. In an effort to bridge the chasm between them and the Coordinators, the Naturals have built five Gundam warriors that they hope will serve as their potent weapons. But will their plan work?
In Reckless, a Broadway star and a millionaire fall in love, but their relationship is complicated by class prejudice and social climbing. They must navigate through scandals, suicide, and societal expectations to find their happily ever after.
The battle lines have been drawn, placing old friends Kira and Athrun on opposing sides in the war. The resulting battle will mark a turning point in their lives as Athrun and the ZAFT forces launch a major offensive designed to end the war once and for all!
The Earth Forces has commissioned another Archangel-class ship, the Dominion; its sole mission is to destroy the renegade Archangel. As the battle draws to its ultimate conclusion, it is possible that humanity itself will be the victim. Kira, Athrun, and the others must stop a war that threatens both sides with genocide!
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