Beauty and the Beast is a thrilling drama that follows the story of a female detective who forms an unconventional relationship with a genetically experimented ex-soldier turned beast. Set in the urban backdrop of New York City, the show explores their heightened senses, super strength, and their involvement with a secret government organization. It is a supernatural drama with elements of romance and superhero sci-fi.
Nacho is an accountant, an average guy. At a party he meets Ana, a recently divorced young woman. Then they meet the charismatic bartender Sebastian, who starts flirting with both of them and they accept his invitation to spend the night at his place. A few days later, they decide to go on a weekend trip to a secluded farm. It seems like it will be a fun one-night-stand, until Sebastian confesses that he desires a long-term relationship with a man and a woman together. Sweet love story for those who believe in (unconventional) romance.
Stella is a passionate and independent woman who embarks on a whirlwind romance with a soccer player. However, their relationship is put to the test when tragedy strikes. Set in the vibrant city of Athens, Stella explores themes of love, freedom, and unconventional relationships in a summer filled with passion and unexpected twists.
Parallel Parking is a drama movie that revolves around a truck driver who forms an unconventional relationship with a Tibetan refugee. Through parallel parking lessons, they bond and heal from their past traumas while dealing with the challenges of an undocumented worker and issues related to human trafficking.
One man receives an unexpected visit from a second man, with whom he reminisces about a life and love they both shared with a third.
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