Joker is a dark and gritty character study that explores the descent of a mentally troubled comedian named Arthur Fleck into becoming the iconic supervillain known as the Joker. Set in the gritty and chaotic streets of Gotham City in the 1980s, Arthur struggles with his own inner demons and the societal decay around him. As he faces humiliation, rejection, and a series of unfortunate events, Arthur's psychological torment transforms him into the criminal mastermind who wreaks havoc and terrorizes the city.
Follows the lives and misadventures of a group of friends in 1970s Italy, exploring their relationships, pranks, and humorous situations.
Nearing Grace is a coming-of-age story centered around Henry Welles, a high school student who experiences various challenges in his relationships with friends, family, and love interests. Set in the 1970s, the movie captures the essence of teenage life and the struggles of growing up.
An extended research tour of US university film programs introduced dos Santos to the American avant-garde filmmakers, among them Jonas Mekas and Stan Brakhage, who would directly inspire his formally radical adaptation of an allegorical short story about adultery and colonialism by Guilherme de Figueiredo. Filmed in both Manhattan and Brazil and set against the background of the Vietnam War and its protests, Hunger for Love uses a rigorously abstract soundtrack and narrative structure to evoke the acute paranoia of the period building up to the December 1968 military coup that tipped Brazil perilously close to a conservative dictatorship. With its harsh critique of the decadent tendencies of the Sixties counterculture, Hunger for Love offers a key expression of the self-consciously “ideological” phase of Cinema Novo. -Harvard Film Archive
Regulars gather at The Blue Jay, a gay bar in Manhattan's Greenwich Village, to celebrate Christmas Eve 1971 with people they consider family.
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