A group of high school students with psychic abilities discover that their powers are part of a government experiment. As they navigate their daily lives, their abilities become stronger and they start to uncover a conspiracy that could change the world.
In 22 vs. Earth, 22, the soul from the movie Soul, leads a gang of rebellious souls who refuse to be sent to Earth. They embark on an adventure to uncover the meaning of life and challenge the secret organization that tries to manipulate them.
Unable to give birth to a child of her own the demon Abyzou Tries to take possession of a young mother to be. Now Hailee must fight this ancient evil for her unborn child's soul.
A woman must make a mother's ultimate choice when the dead baby she has carried to term returns to life... with an appetite.
Dr. Bernard Nathanson, former abortionist and founder of NARAL, teaches the audience about the specifics of suction abortion, followed by an actual abortion of an 11-week old fetus as seen through ultrasound.
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