Soap is a cult TV show that satirically portrays the lives of two sisters, their families, and various absurd situations they find themselves in. The show combines comedy, drama, and romance, with a focus on witty one-liners, sarcasm, and adult humor. It also explores themes like adultery, family relationships, and homosexuality.
Mass UFO sightings from the last 50 years fuel a global mystery in this docuseries featuring eyewitness accounts, expert interviews and new evidence.
Roy Neary, an electric lineman, has his life turned upside down after a close encounter with a UFO. As he becomes obsessed with finding answers, strange events start happening all over the world. Roy's pursuit leads him to a mysterious mountain where he discovers the truth about the extraterrestrial life and joins a group of people selected to leave with the aliens.
In Plan 9 from Outer Space, an alien race intent on taking over Earth resurrects the dead, turning them into zombies. The aliens' plan involves causing chaos and fear among the human population, leading to their ultimate conquest. Meanwhile, a group of humans, including a police officer and a flight attendant, must try to stop the alien invasion before it's too late.
Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation explores the fascinating world of unidentified flying objects, delving into the history, science, and intriguing stories surrounding these otherworldly phenomena. This captivating documentary series investigates UFO sightings, encounters with aliens, and the government's involvement in studying and concealing these extraterrestrial mysteries. Join renowned experts as they uncover the truth behind unidentified flying objects and their potential significance for humanity.
Hangar 1: The UFO Files is a documentary TV show that delves into the world of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and examines real-life cases of alien encounters, sightings, and abductions. The show is based on the investigations conducted by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and features interviews with witnesses, experts, and researchers. It uses reenactments and narration to present compelling stories and evidence that aim to shed light on the phenomena of UFOs.
In the New Mexico desert, giant ants, mutated by atomic radiation, wreak havoc on a small town. As the townspeople panic and struggle to survive, a group of scientists and the military race against time to eliminate the giant ants before they spread and cause further destruction.
In 'UFO (2018)', a professor obsessed with UFOs begins to investigate a series of UFO sightings reported by multiple witnesses. As he delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a government conspiracy to cover up the truth about extraterrestrial encounters. With his life in danger, he must find a way to expose the truth before it's too late.
When a rebellious teen is taken in by foster care, she refuses to believe her father is dead and instead suspects he has been abducted. With the support of a UFO association, she embarks on a mission to uncover the truth about her father's disappearance.
The truth behind the U.S. government's secret Pentagon program on UAPs, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, otherwise known as UFOs, is exposed.
In the year 1978, in Toulouse, France, a skeptical aerospace engineer becomes a UFO investigator. He delves into a world of conspiracy theories, paranormal phenomena, and unidentified flying objects. Along with his eccentric team, he uncovers bizarre sightings and encounters, all while navigating the challenges of family relationships and a changing society.
When a meteorite disaster devastates the Earth, a group of people mysteriously come back to life. As they navigate a world changed by extraterrestrial contact, they must uncover the truth behind their resurrection and find a way to survive. The story explores themes of faith, survival, and the impact of humanity's interaction with extraterrestrial beings.
The program was dedicated to collecting the testimonies of alleged witnesses of UFO phenomena and contrasted the facts with the opinion of experts such as astronomers, pilots and scientists in order to try to give a logical explanation to the event.
In this gripping docuseries, legendary reporter George Knapp travels the globe to uncover new evidence about UFOs and investigate their presence on Earth.
Unacknowledged is a documentary that delves into the evidence and testimonies surrounding the existence of extraterrestrial life, particularly focusing on the cover-up attempts by the Pentagon and CIA. It uncovers various incidents involving UFO sightings, potential alien encounters, and the secrecy maintained by government agencies. The film presents compelling evidence and expert testimonies to support the existence of unidentified flying objects and their technological advancements, challenging conventional beliefs.
Explores the unprecedented bipartisan congressional effort to uncover what intelligence agencies really know about UFOs, now referred to as UAP.
Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind is a documentary film exploring the existence of UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and the alleged government conspiracy surrounding the truth about these phenomena. Through interviews, testimonies, and evidence, the film delves into the subject matter to shed light on the potential reality of UFOs and the possibility of human-initiated contact.
Posting up at a local watering hole in Roswell, New Mexico, a town infamous for its UFO past, Horowitz and Newton meet with individuals who have experienced strange and unexplainable encounters.
Craig Charles, the BBC 6 Music Radio DJ, star of Red Dwarf and Coronation Street, hosts the show alongside world renowned space journalist astrophysicist, and award-winning author Sarah Cruddas. Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies follows sci-fi favourite and long-time UFO enthusiast Craig and astrophysicist Sarah as they scrutinise compelling evidence relating to some of the most perplexing UFO encounters of recent years, revealing never before heard testimony to separate fact from fiction and ask: are the unexplained aerial phenomena prowling our skies extra-terrestrial?
The Phenomenon is a documentary that delves into the global UFO phenomenon, exploring the history, evidence, and stories surrounding sightings of unidentified flying objects. From government conspiracies to UFO sightings by military personnel, the film investigates the possibility of extraterrestrial life and government cover-ups. With interviews and footage from around the world, The Phenomenon offers a compelling exploration of the subject.