Madame Claude is a drama-filled movie set in Paris, France in 1977. It tells the story of the titular character, a powerful and influential brothel owner who caters to the elite. The film explores Madame Claude's struggles to maintain her empire while dealing with blackmail, love affairs, and the dangerous world of prostitution. With themes of power, betrayal, and sexuality, this movie offers a captivating insight into the hidden world of high-class prostitution.
A grieving family opens its household to an unknown woman who claims to have been their dearly departed's girlfriend.
The D.I. is a drama film set in Parris Island, South Carolina, where a drill instructor forms relationships with new recruits in the U.S. Marine Corps. The film explores themes of peer pressure, family relationships, and the challenges faced during boot camp. With verbal abuse, criticism, and intense training, the recruits must navigate the world of the military and overcome obstacles to become Marines.
Call Me Bwana is a comedy film set in Africa, where a man gets caught up in a series of bizarre adventures involving supernatural powers, lunar landers, poisoned champagne, and a variety of other strange occurrences.
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