Magical DoReMi follows the story of three ordinary girls who discover that they have the power to become witches. They must learn to master their magical abilities while navigating the challenges of friendship and school. As they encounter various magical creatures and face unexpected twists, they uncover the secrets of their magical world and work towards becoming accomplished witches.
Aquaman, the heir to the Atlantis throne, must step forward to lead his people and prevent a war between the underwater kingdom and the surface world. Along the way, he discovers his true destiny and fights against his half-brother, who seeks to bring destruction to both worlds.
In a universe where gravity is inverted, a man and woman from different worlds fall in love and must fight societal barriers to be together.
Upananta's greatest dragonrider disappears in the middle of a crucial battle. Without him, the world is doomed. The rookie dragonrider, Thaim, goes to find him in another world: a place where flying dragons and adventure only exist in high school student Nagi's dreams.
An inspirational short documentary about one family's dream to adopt a child with special needs from China.
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