In the near future, Earth is attacked by monstrous sea creatures known as Kaijus. To combat them, humanoid fighting machines called Jaegers are created. As the Kaijus evolve and the Jaegers become less effective, Earth's governments lose faith in the program. In a desperate effort to save humanity, a former pilot and a trainee are paired up to drive a seemingly obsolete Jaeger and stop the apocalypse. Meanwhile, a scientist discovers the true nature of the Kaijus and seeks to control their invasion. The Jaeger forces assemble to destroy the portal and end the war.
In the year 2077, after a war with alien invaders known as Scavs, Tech 49 Jack Harper questions his mission and himself when he rescues a woman from a crashed spacecraft. They discover that the alien invasion was a lie and set out to destroy the alien command center. Along the way, Jack learns the truth about his own identity as a clone and makes a self-sacrifice to destroy the Tet and deactivate the drones.
In a multiverse of parallel universes, Gabriel Yulaw is a rogue ex-cop from an alternate universe who is on a mission to kill all versions of himself in order to gain ultimate power. He travels across different dimensions, taking the life force from his other selves, becoming stronger with each kill. However, there is one version of himself, known as 'The One', who has managed to escape his clutches. Now, Gabriel is determined to eliminate 'The One' and become invincible.
On the 12th Date of Christmas follows two individuals, a game creator and a woman hoping for a job promotion, as they stumble upon each other on a scavenger hunt and develop a romantic connection. Set against the backdrop of Christmas in Chicago, the two navigate their personal and professional lives while trying to decipher their feelings for one another.
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