During the Hyborean Age, a group of sorcerers created a powerful mask that could subjugate the world. After being defeated by the Cimmerians, the mask was destroyed and its pieces scattered. Years later, Conan, a vengeful barbarian warrior, sets off on a journey to avenge his father's death and stop the evil warlord who seeks to unlock the mask's true power. Along the way, Conan faces numerous challenges and battles, ultimately finding redemption and forging his own path. This action-packed movie combines elements of fantasy and adventure to deliver an epic tale of revenge, sacrifice, and triumph.
American Nightmare is a disturbing film that explores taboo subjects such as father-daughter incest and murder. It follows the story of a runaway teenage girl who gets involved in a twisted relationship with her father, leading to a series of horrifying events. The film is known for its sleazy and gritty atmosphere, making it a cult classic in the crime and horror genres.
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