The Morning Show follows the story of a popular morning show and the people behind it. When a scandal involving the co-host breaks, the show's executive producer is forced to navigate through the aftermath and deal with the consequences. Greed, scandal cover-ups, secret romances, and the struggle for power in the TV industry are all explored in this workplace drama set in the 2010s and 2020s.
When a successful British sitcom is brought to Hollywood, the writer is faced with the challenges of adapting the show for an American audience while dealing with his own personal life.
In 2016, Roger Ailes (John Lithgow) is the chairman of Fox News and runs the network with an iron fist. The film follows the stories of three different women who work at Fox News: Megyn Kelly (Charlize Theron), Gretchen Carlson (Nicole Kidman), and Kayla Popisil (Margot Robbie). Megyn challenges Donald Trump during a debate, facing backlash and harassment as a result. Gretchen, tired of enduring sexist comments, decides to sue Roger directly. Kayla, a young conservative woman, moves up in the network and experiences sexual harassment from Roger. As the women face various challenges, they come together to expose the truth about the toxic work environment at Fox News.
Morning Glory is a comedy about a young and ambitious TV producer, Becky Fuller, who is given the task of reviving a failing morning show. She faces various challenges and must navigate the egos and conflicts of the show's hosts and staff while trying to boost ratings. With her determination and relentless work ethic, Becky takes on the task of transforming the show into a success.
A documentary about the rise and fall of Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW), a cult professional wrestling franchise known for its extreme violence and unique style.
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