The Wonders follows a teenage girl named Gelsomina who lives in rural Italy in the 1990s. She is part of a family that runs an apiary and participates in a fictional game show. Gelsomina faces social isolation and struggles with her family's patriarchal dynamics. As she becomes more involved in beekeeping, she discovers a troubled past and begins to question her place in the world. The film explores themes of isolation, family, and the awakening of a young girl.
Based on a true story, a housewife in 1950s and 1960s Ohio supports her family by entering contests and winning prizes. She uses her creativity and resourcefulness to overcome challenges and provide for her large family, while also dealing with an alcoholic husband.
Dutch version of the reality game show where teams of two LEGO enthusiasts go head-to-head, with infinite possibilities and an unlimited supply of LEGO bricks.
A group of guys audition to be on Alabama Chi Alpha's Survivor
Daffy Duck needs to get Bugs Bunny into QTTV's studio ASAP in order to win the thousand dollar prize.
In 'Cayó de la gloria el diablo,' a fallen devil tries to find joy and redemption in an urban setting while dealing with loneliness, an affair, and the pursuit of success in a TV contest.
A TV channel organizes a super-8 competition, and Kenavec family decides to film their small village in Brittany.
When a cursed amulet turns their rival boy band act into a screeching gang of zombies, a group of cheerleaders must learn to use their wits, friendship and assorted power tools before a TV talent show takes a turn for the apocalyptic.
In 'The Million Hare,' a rabbit named Bugs Bunny competes in a game show to win a million dollars. Along the way, he faces off against his rival, Daffy Duck, and encounters various challenges and obstacles. With his wit and cleverness, Bugs Bunny navigates the competition and eventually emerges as the winner, becoming a millionaire.
From Le Petit Rapporteur to Sous vos applaudissements, from La Lorgnette to L'Ecole des fans, everyone remembers the mythical programs of Jacques Martin, the Sunday afternoon emperor. Through rare archives and the testimonies of his close friends and collaborators, this documentary reveals the hidden sides of this sacred television monster who would have liked to be an artist.
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