Thanksgiving is a slasher film that takes place during the Thanksgiving holiday. It follows a group of friends who are terrorized by a slasher-killer wearing a pilgrim costume. The film is known for its grindhouse-style and features plenty of graphic violence, including scenes of people being stabbed to death. The plot also includes elements such as vomiting, turkeys, and a Thanksgiving parade. The setting of the film is in Massachusetts, specifically in Plymouth. As the story unfolds, the friends must try to survive and uncover the identity of the serial killer. The film also includes some unexpected twists and turns, including a scene involving a trampoline and a disturbing scene tied to a chair.
Duane Hopwood is a casino guard in Atlantic City who struggles with alcoholism. His life takes a turn when his wife divorces him and he is left to take care of his two daughters. Duane must confront his addiction and try to rebuild his relationships while facing the challenge of staying sober.
Jackie and Danny are spending the holiday week in therapy instead of at the dinner table. Their marriage has taken a turn for the worst, and they turn to what they believe to be their only option, Amityville Couples Counselor Frank Domonico, a doctor with a hidden, sinister past. He recommends an isolated cabin retreat to save their family. But once alone together, the doctor’s unorthodox approach starts to push the couple over the edge.
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