GoShogun was a super robot anime series produced in 1981 and aired in 1982 in Japan. It is variously referred to in English as "Demon God of the War-Torn Land GoShogun", "Warring Demon God GoShogun", "Civil War Devil-God GoShogun" and "Macron 1".
In Without Warning, a small town in Wyoming is thrown into chaos when a meteor crashes down on Earth. As the people try to comprehend the situation, scientists scramble to find a solution and prevent a catastrophic event. The story unfolds in real-time, with news reports and found footage capturing the panic and uncertainty. As the meteor threat looms, the fate of the town and its inhabitants hangs in the balance.
In 'The Void,' a blind woman finds herself tied to a chair in an apartment that has been ransacked. She witnesses her friend being murdered and escapes after a foot chase. She later discovers that her physicist father had discovered a dangerous equation related to a black hole. As she investigates further, she encounters hitmen and must confront the truth about her father's death and the Tunguska event. The movie explores themes of mystery, action, and sci-fi as the protagonist unravels the secrets of the void.
Really strange documentary of Wheeler Dixon production quality on the Tunguska Event and the possibility of it happening again causing an apocalypse (basically a meteor scare film) sprinkled with UFO conspiracy kooks, and other 'professionals', riddled with stock footage of all kinds, freaky moog music and sound fx, a Dr. Who rip-off end theme, Victor Buono as Homer the Archivist, a philosophical history recorder in a space ship with a HAL 9000 type talking computer named Ino, there's also another space ship with Egyptian looking aliens girls with pasties and see-thru blouses.
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