Time is a documentary that follows the story of a black family in Louisiana as they navigate the challenges of the criminal justice system and the prison-industrial complex. The film examines the effects of incarceration on family relationships and explores themes of activism and love. Through home video footage, interviews, and observational documentary techniques, Time provides a powerful and thought-provoking look at the struggles faced by the family.
In the late 1800s, a woman with a forbidden past finds herself facing a courtroom drama to avoid scandal. Her arrogance and duplicity, as well as her steamy romance and betrayal, come to light as she fights to protect her family fortune.
This Traveltalk look at New Orleans starts at the recently modernized port and harbor facilities, with ships unloading various cargo and loading cotton. We then ride along Canal Street and visit the Tulane University campus. After a look at the variety of the residential architecture, we end our visit at the city's new airport.
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