Little Men is a touching drama that explores the lives of young boys and their challenges. The story revolves around a group of friends who navigate through school, family relationships, and the complexities of growing up. As they face rebellious behavior, troubled kids, and unusual punishments, their bond strengthens. Set in a boarding school, the film delves into themes of homelessness, orphans, and the impact of a woman writer's presence. Based on a novel, Little Men beautifully captures the spirit of friendship, resilience, and finding one's place in the world.
Seeking Asylum is a comedy-drama movie that follows a teacher's journey as he seeks asylum from the chaos of modern society. Along the way, he encounters troubled kids, deals with the challenges of pregnancy, and finds solace in an abandoned theater.
Can a horse save a life? In Clondalkin (Dublin) that’s exactly the case, in a district where there are a lot of problems and not a lot of prospects for the young.
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