Tamagon the Counselor, also known as Eggzavier the Eggasaurus, is a Japanese anime television series created by Tatsunoko Production. Tatsunoko's description of the series reads as follows: "Tamagon is a cute monster who is fond of eggs. He acts as a counselor to those in trouble, asking only eggs in payment. He goes to work as soon as he has eaten his fee. However, despite his schemes, his service usually ends in failure and he winds up being chased by his irate clients. Short as it is, this program is full of lively laughs and humor."
Tokyo Revengers follows the story of Takemichi Hanagaki, a high school student who discovers that he has the ability to time travel. He uses this power to go back in time and prevent the death of his girlfriend and save his friends from a heinous gang known as the Tokyo Manji Gang. Through his journey, Takemichi learns about loyalty, friendship, and the consequences of his actions.
When a talented college freshman joins the rowing team, she becomes obsessed with achieving excellence at all costs. As she navigates the competitive world of collegiate sports, she must confront her own ambition, the burden of being a force of nature, and the extreme measures she takes to succeed.
The Son follows the story of a teenager who is dealing with the pain of his parents' divorce. He finds solace and purpose in carpentry, but trouble arises when he becomes an apprentice to a troubled carpenter. As he navigates the complexities of adolescence and forgiveness, he must confront his fear and make choices that will determine his future.
When a group of college friends stumble upon a shallow grave while on a road trip, they become the target of a psychopathic killer. As they try to escape the backwoods town they find themselves in, they must navigate a web of deception, danger, and murder. Will they survive or fall victim to the twisted game being played by the killer?
A young man suffering from significant childhood trauma believes there are portals to the darkness around him that can be accessed through extreme self-mutilation. He locks himself in his home and proceeds to perform acts to summon the Goddess Ishtar to help him cross over to the other side.
Dreamy college student Uma has a unique connection to the world around her. She can sense people’s thoughts as she navigates the urban jungle of New York City. However, when she begins receiving a series of bizarre and threatening messages from a mysterious character, “Red Rabbit,” she loses track of what’s real and what isn’t.
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