A young woman named Suni moves to the countryside, where she encounters a feral boy with supernatural abilities. As she befriends and takes care of him, their relationship evolves into a tender and challenging romance. However, their love is threatened by societal expectations and the boy's uncontrollable transformation into a werewolf.
In Firewall, a man's family is held hostage by a group of criminals who demand that he rob a bank for them. With his family's lives on the line, he must outsmart the criminals and find a way to save them.
Demon House is a documentary film about a haunted house located in Gary, Indiana. The film tells the story of a family who experiences demonic possession and the paranormal activity that takes place within the house. As the family struggles with the presence of supernatural forces, they also encounter other troubles and issues. The documentary includes reenactments and interviews with the family and experts in the field.
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