Cleopatra is a historical drama that follows the life of the legendary Egyptian queen, Cleopatra. Set in ancient Egypt, the film explores Cleopatra's rise to power, her relationships with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, and her ultimate downfall. Filled with political intrigue, romance, and war, Cleopatra is a sweeping epic that showcases the strength and determination of a remarkable woman.
The War Boys follows three young men who engage in illegal activities along the border while navigating their own personal struggles. As they become involved in human smuggling, their relationships are tested and their lives are forever changed. This queer cinema explores themes of identity, family, and the consequences of their actions.
Cleopatra toys with Mark Antony who wants to merge his Rome with her Egypt.
Nick Anderson, Kevin Daniels, and Tracey Green do everything together. They are the best of friends, and yet they couldn't be more different. Neighbors from adolescence, they finish each other's thoughts and sentences, joys and pains, happiness and tears. Using Nick's house as their own members only clubhouse, they escape into their own world of contentment. Yet the inevitable intrusion of others tests their stability in ways never imagined.
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