Carlos is a TV show based on the true story of Carlos the Jackal, a Latin American terrorist involved in international conflicts and revolutionary movements. The show explores his involvement in various incidents, including hostage situations, terrorist attacks, and political assassinations. It delves into his personal life, relationships, and ideologies, providing a comprehensive portrait of this infamous figure.
During the 1800s, a US Navy soldier disguises himself to rescue his captured brother and overthrow the ruler of Tripoli. He forms alliances, navigates the dangers of the harem, and sacrifices everything for freedom.
U.S. agent Major Tom Blake is sent to Tripoli to uncover who it is in Washington that is tipping off the pirates as to what's being shipped where. A fast-moving story with lots of sabers and rapiers.
Tongue-in-cheek adventure tale of an American attempting to free sailors held as hostages and becoming involved in middle-East tribal wars.
Haja Fatma, a mother to eight children, tells the tale of family life in Tripoli during the Libyan Revolution. Women, young and old, all contributed during these hostile months in their own unique way. A human portal into the acts of ordinary people in their hope for freedom.
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