In this animated comedy, a clever rabbit named Bugs Bunny uses disguises and tricks to outsmart his opponents in a series of comical scenarios. With a Scottish twist and plenty of surrealism, Bugs Bunny's mischievous adventures are sure to keep you entertained.
Join 'The Ed Sullivan Show' for a hilarious and entertaining holiday special filled with comedy, music, and beloved characters like Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy. Experience the joy and laughter as the puppets, ventriloquists, and comedians take the stage, delivering physical comedy, trick billiards shots, and unforgettable performances. This best-of compilation showcases the highlights of the show from the 1950s and 1960s, including RB music and classic Christmas tunes. With appearances by Gonzo the Great, Rizzo the Rat, and many more, there's never a dull moment in this festive celebration.
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