Tanna is a romantic drama film based on a true story that takes place in a remote tribal community in the South Pacific. The film revolves around a forbidden love story between a young tribal woman and a warrior from a rival tribe. The community is faced with conflicts and struggles, including an active volcano eruption and forced marriages. The film beautifully portrays the traditions and customs of the indigenous people of Vanuatu.
In the 1930s, a doctor in colonial Dutch East Indies struggles with his own beliefs and the superstitions of the native tribes as he fights against deadly diseases like the plague. Set in Sumatra and Java, the doctor navigates through the jungle, facing challenges of black magic and witchcraft, while also dealing with jealousy, atheism, and the conflicts between different religions and tribal customs.
Five world class surfers travel to New Guinea in search of undiscovered waves, but end up discovering so much more.
Black Harvest is a documentary that explores the complex relationship between a British coffee plantation owner and the tribal communities in Papua New Guinea. It delves into the challenges faced by both parties as they navigate the clash of different cultures and the struggle for land ownership. The film highlights the impact of British colonialism on the local tribes and the business partnership forged between them. The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of tribal warfare, tribal funeral rituals, and the crop-picking process.
In the early 1800s, Prussian geographer Alexander Von Humboldt and French botanist Aimé Bonpland launch an expedition to explore the Amazon region, including the Orinoco River, from Venezuela to the border of Portuguese Brazil.
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