In the 18th century, Prince Tamino embarks on a mission to rescue Princess Pamina from the evil Queen of the Night. With the help of a bird-catcher named Papageno, they face numerous challenges and undergo a magical journey filled with romance and music.
Won the Academy Award for the Best Documentary Short of 1954. The subject deals with the children at The Royal School for the Deaf in Margate, Kent. The hearing-handicapped children are shown painstakingly learning what words are through exercises and games, practicing lip-reading and finally speech. Richard Burton's calm and sometimes-poetic narration adds to the heartwarming cheerfulness and courage of the children. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with British Film Institute in 2005.
A young orphan in New York's Lower East Side is collectively adopted by three neighborhood men--a minister, a cantor, and a cop.
After mysteriously awakening in a barren alien landscape, a self-serving prisoner must conquer a series of grueling trials in order to reunite with his lost love.
In this animated short film based on a Native American folktale, a young boy must go through several tests to prove himself and find his missing father. Along the way, he encounters a bee, a serpent, and even lightning. Will he succeed in his journey?
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