Combat Mecha Xabungle, infrequently called Blue Gale Xabungle, is a mecha anime television series by Sunrise, and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino. It was broadcast on the Nagoya TV and TV Asahi networks at 5:30 PM each Saturday from February 6, 1982 through January 29, 1983. Promotional toys were produced by Clover. It also had a compilation movie called Xabungle Graffiti, which added a few minutes and a whole-new ending to the series.
Daniel and his mentor Mr. Miyagi travel the world with their Okinawan friend Taki Tamurai in search of an ancient Japanese talisman stolen from an old fishing village.
The Mézga Family, consisting of the genius father Józsi, the caring mother Juli, and their mischievous son Aladár, embark on a vacation filled with excitement and laughter. From surreal destinations to hilarious mishaps, this holiday is one they will never forget.
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