Based on Disneyland's theme park ride where a small riverboat takes a group of travelers through a jungle filled with dangerous animals and reptiles but with a supernatural element. In the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors travel to South America in search of the Tears of the Moon, a mythical tree whose petals can cure any illness, heal any injury, and lift any curse...
Cannon Busters is an animated TV show set in a post-apocalyptic world where a friendship-themed adventure unfolds. A unique group of misfits, including an immortal friendship robot, a want-to-be prince, and a fearsome outlaw, join forces to navigate through dangerous lands and uncover the secrets of their past.
In a world where countries have abandoned war and instead fight in annual Gundam tournaments, Domon Kasshu, a young fighter from Neo Japan, must win the championship to protect his country and find his brother who has gone missing. With the help of his Gundam and martial arts skills, Domon battles against other Gundam fighters from different countries, each with their own unique abilities and strategies.
Ryan Bingham, a frequent traveler who fires people for a living, confronts the possibility of love and a new business model that threatens his lifestyle.
Happy Together (1997) follows the tumultuous relationship of two gay men from Hong Kong as they navigate issues of love, unhappiness, and self-destructiveness in Argentina. Set against the backdrop of the iconic Iguazu Falls, the film explores themes of homesickness, loss, and the longing for happiness.
In the village of Overton, a horse-racing community is shaken by the mysterious murder of a teenage boy. A group of friends must uncover the truth behind the crime while dealing with their own secrets and troubled relationships. This captivating miniseries explores the dark underbelly of a close-knit village and the interconnected lives of its inhabitants.
Ever wanted to quit your job and go travelling round the world? Well James and Karl did and filmed it all. The backpacking documentary follows James and Karl as they travel through 20 countries in 4 continents over 9 months, covering a distance of over 42,000 miles.
Park Ha Kyung teaches Korean literature at a high school. To escape her ordinary days, Park Ha Kyung decides to take one day trips on Saturdays. During her one day trip, she walks around, eats different foods, and meets various people. She realizes she receives comfort and empathy through her travels.
In the small village of Thornton, strange occurrences begin to happen when a mysterious vampire arrives. The villagers are plagued by fear and suspicion as they try to uncover the truth behind the vampire's existence.
Eleven-year-old Mildred’s life is turned upside down when her mother lands in hospital and estranged, American magician father, Strawn Wise, comes to look after her. Hoping to entertain the bookish tween, Strawn takes Mildred camping in the notoriously rugged New Zealand wilderness, and the pair embark on the ultimate test of family bonding – a quest to find the mythological beast known as the Canterbury Panther.
During World War II, a luxury liner carrying Jewish refugees sets sail from Germany to Cuba. The passengers face numerous challenges as they seek asylum and escape the horrors of the Holocaust.
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead is a comedic play by Tom Stoppard that reimagines the events of Shakespeare's Hamlet from the perspective of the characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The story follows their misadventures as they navigate the events of the play, often finding themselves in absurd and confusing situations. As the plot unfolds, the two characters grapple with questions of fate, identity, and the meaning of their existence. With witty dialogue and clever wordplay, the play explores themes of existentialism and the nature of reality.
In Never Let Go (2015), a single mother's baby is kidnapped while traveling in Morocco. She finds herself caught in a race against time as she races against time to rescue her child from the organized crime network responsible for the abduction. With the help of an FBI agent, she navigates through a dangerous world of corruption and conspiracy to bring her baby daughter home.
The play is about the work in the mortuary, the secrets of the bodies that are kept in the mortuary, the hidden world of the dead, and the many secrets that happen to them in the mortuary
Pras felt something is wrong with his first wife, Arini. Arini asked Pras to fight for his second wife Meirose to return Indonesia and live together.
Byron Turner, a 15-year-old runaway from the Eatondale Orphan Asylum, receives a ride into the rural Missouri town of Delphi with rich land-owner Tobias Brown.
Watch my first trip to India in this travel documentary, as I spent 6 weeks backpacking around the country. I spent 3 weeks backpacking through the cities of the north and then another 3 weeks in the beaches and backwaters of the south.
Basement Games tells the story of Laura, a young traveling photographer who, while traveling in southern Chile, is kidnapped by some brothers who live in a rural town, unleashing a horrible ordeal at the hands of her captors.
Karl returns to New Zealand for a 7 week road trip around both the North and South Island in this 2 part documentary series.