Glutton for Punishment is a program on Food Network hosted by Bob Blumer and produced by Paperny Entertainment. The show features the host in various food-related challenges. He is given five days to become proficient enough in the episode's featured specialty. His newly acquired skills are then put to the test by matching him up against champions and experts in the field. In several competitions, Bob Blumer surprises by qualifying ahead of many pros. When he is not doing so well, he acknowledges the difficulty he has, often with self-deprecating humour. The "Glutton for Punishment" crew most recently broke the Guinness world record for the largest bowl of salsa at the Jacksonville, Texas, 26th Tomato Fest on June 12, 2010. The final bowl weighed in at 2,672 pounds. The feat was filmed for Season 5 of "Glutton," during which Bob attempted to break six world's records.
Journalist Kinga Philipps and filmmaker J.J. Kelley investigate the most-fascinating missing person cases on the planet. At each harrowing location, the intrepid explorers speak to locals, witnesses and experts in hard-hitting interrogations. They follow the evidence trail no matter where it goes, putting themselves in heart-pounding situations that test their limits.
Road Hockey Rumble is a half-hour reality series produced by Paperny Entertainment and broadcast on OLN. The series uses a documentary format but crosses over into the genres of sports, travel, and comedy. It follows two Canadian hosts, Calum MacLeod and Mark McGuckin playing their way across Canada in a 13 game grudge match series of Road Hockey. From British Columbia to Newfoundland and all of the territories, they tap into the rivalries, legends and grit of Canada’s most colourful and competitive towns. Friends in life but rivals in hockey, each host drafts their own team of locals to battle it out on the court. A number of past and present NHL hockey players have made appearances or been showcased in the series including Jordin Tootoo, Jason King, Wade Redden, Eric Staal, David Ling, Duane Sutter, Éric Bélanger, Terry Ryan, Tyler Arnason and Eric Chouinard. The show has also featured Canadian Gold Medal Champion Curler Russ Howard and 4 Time World's Strongest Man Magnús Ver Magnússon. The complete series was released on DVD on July 1, 2009.
America’s hottest entrepreneurial trend is buying properties to rent through online services like HomeAway. Budding real estate entrepreneurs watch their favorite real estate shows and dream about getting into the market, but can’t risk their entire savings on a flip. Designer and real estate expert Holly Baker will show viewers how to profit from real estate using the new sharing economy, sharing her secrets of balancing location, renovation design and operating costs to start earning income on day one.
The experience of a celebrity touring some region of the planet and tasting its food, culture and nightlife, in exotic destinations such as Rio de Janeiro, Cancun, Las Vegas, Australia, Miami and Milan.
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