In the distant future, Earth is overrun with garbage. WALL-E, a waste-collecting robot, discovers a plant and falls in love with EVE, a robot sent to find vegetation. They journey to the spaceship Axiom, where humans living in hover chairs are oblivious to their surroundings. WALL-E and EVE must save the plant from the ship's autocratic autopilot, return it to Earth, and teach humans how to heal the planet.
Jonathan Switcher is a young artist who just doesn't seem to fit in anywhere. His latest oddball creation is the work of art that changes his life forever - a mannequin. As the beautiful window dresser, Emmy, becomes the mannequin's soulmate, Jonathan realizes he's in love. But when the mannequin goes missing, Jonathan must find her before she's gone forever.
Innocent Blood follows Marie, a beautiful and seductive vampire who accidentally turns a mobster into a vampire. Now, she must team up with an undercover cop to stop the mobster's killing spree in Pittsburgh.
Stepfather 3 is a horror thriller movie that follows the story of a man who assumes new identities and marries widows with children, only to murder them and move on to his next victim. In this sequel, he targets a new family, leading to a thrilling and suspenseful chase as they try to uncover his true identity and stop him before it's too late. With a mix of romance, suspense, and horror, Stepfather 3 keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
The Legend of the Christmas Witch follows the story of an Italian schoolteacher who discovers that she is the descendant of La Befana, a legendary Christmas witch. When the village children are kidnapped by a comical villain, she must use her magical powers and team up with a toymaker to save them, all while facing her own childhood trauma and embracing her hidden identity.
Eyewitness follows the story of a female reporter and an eccentric man who become unlikely partners in solving a murder mystery. As they delve deeper into the case, they uncover a web of secrets and hidden motives. With the help of a police detective and a Vietnam War veteran, they must race against time to catch the killer before they strike again. Along the way, they navigate through class differences, personal relationships, and the dark underbelly of society.
The Making of Star Wars (1977) is a documentary that explores the behind-the-scenes production of the groundbreaking film, highlighting the miniature effects, special effects, and action and adventure filmmaking techniques used. It features interviews with the cast and crew, as well as an in-depth look at the merchandising and fan culture that followed the release of the film.
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