In a surreal world, a master and his seven servants engage in absurd and strange activities, exploring themes of life, death, and human relationships. They navigate dream-like landscapes and indulge in bizarre rituals, blurring the lines between reality and imagination.
"Heart of Now" concerns a young woman with a profound longing for a sense of family. Amber is devastated after her boyfriend abandons her because she's pregnant. She is whisked across a contrast of urban, natural and emotional landscapes. She confronts the deeper issues at the very heart of her suffering, and finds transcendence in a brief moment at the very heart of now.
A raw, compelling glimpse into a young man's charmingly ill-conceived scheme to redeem himself in the eyes of his ex-girlfriend. Ron lures Carol back to his apartment under the pretense that he is going to return her favorite mug. When it seems this will be their last moment together, Ron desperately maneuvers to strike a chord with her in his own uniquely heartfelt way. Written by Sabi Pictures
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