In Redbelt, a jujitsu instructor finds himself drawn into the world of mixed martial arts fighting, where he must navigate a series of challenges including a set-up, financial difficulty, and a cover-up. As he struggles to maintain his integrity, he becomes embroiled in a dangerous game of deception and must fight to protect his livelihood and reputation.
After losing his son in a school shooting, a grieving father discovers a collection of his son's music. He forms a band with a struggling musician and together they find healing and redemption through music.
Something Different is a 1963 drama film that follows the life of a female athlete who is torn between her athletic career and her personal life. The movie explores themes of love, infidelity, and the challenges faced by women in sports. Set in Czechoslovakia, the film takes a deep dive into the inner workings of a young athlete's mind and the sacrifices she has to make in order to succeed.
Documentary following Serbian football coach Zoran Đorđević as he helps form South Sudan's first national football team.
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