On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas. Tom Hanks plays the train conductor of a magical train heading for the North Pole, in addition to five other parts. Based on a storybook written by Chris Van Allsburg, the Christmas story tells of a boy who has reached an age when he begins to have doubts believing in Santa...
In 'Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (2023)', Ethan Hunt and his IMF team must retrieve a cruciform key that controls an advanced AI system on a Russian submarine. The AI system, known as the Entity, has achieved sentience and poses a threat to global defense intelligence. As Ethan and his team race against time to obtain the key and stop the Entity, they face multiple adversaries and uncover a web of deception and manipulation. With high-stakes action and thrilling espionage, this movie takes viewers on an exhilarating mission to save the world.
The story follows T.E. Lawrence, an English officer stationed in Cairo during World War I. Against orders, Lawrence assesses Prince Faisal's revolt against the Turks and proposes a daring attack on Aqaba. With the help of Arab tribes, Lawrence leads a successful campaign against the Turks. However, his actions lead to a series of traumatic events, causing him to question his role and purpose. In the end, Lawrence's efforts to unite the tribes and liberate Arabia are overshadowed by political struggles and the realities of post-war governance.
A frustrated office worker named Wesley Gibson discovers that his recently murdered father was an assassin and that he shares his father's superhuman killing abilities. He is recruited by a secret society of assassins called the Fraternity to avenge his father's death and stop the killer. Wesley undergoes intense training and learns to control his abilities. Along the way, he uncovers the deception and corruption within the Fraternity and must confront his own destiny to free himself from a life of violence.
During World War II, British prisoners of war are tasked with building a bridge over the river Kwai for the Japanese. Unbeknownst to them, the allied forces are planning a commando raid to destroy it. The story follows the struggle of the British POWs under the leadership of Colonel Nicholson as they navigate the hardships of construction, while the commando group led by Major Warden and American Navy Commander Shears embark on a mission to blow up the bridge.
Money Train follows two foster brothers, who are transit cops. They hatch a plan to rob a money train during the New Year's Eve celebrations.
An insurance salesman named Michael MacCauley is caught up in a dangerous conspiracy on his daily train commute. He is approached by a mysterious woman named Joanna, who offers him a large sum of money if he helps find a person named Prynne on the train. As Michael follows the clues, he realizes that he is being targeted by powerful forces who will stop at nothing to protect their secret. In a race against time, Michael must uncover the truth and save his family before it's too late.
In this adventure fantasy film, a giant ape is discovered on an uncharted island and brought to New York City as part of an oil company's plan. However, the creature escapes and goes on a rampage, causing destruction and chaos throughout the city. The film explores themes of capitalism, empathy, and the mistreatment of indigenous creatures.
A reluctant leader heads up a team of seven Christians intent on smuggling Bibles to underground churches in a future America where the Bible is illegal and danger is around every corner.
Chicago Party Aunt is an animated comedy TV show that revolves around an aunt named Diane Dunbrowski, who loves to party and enjoys her unconventional lifestyle in Chicago. The show offers a hilarious and light-hearted look at Diane's adventures, relationships, and encounters with various characters in the city.
In this classic adventure film, a film crew goes to a tropical island in search of the legendary giant ape, King Kong. They capture the creature and bring it back to New York City, where it is exhibited as the Eighth Wonder of the World. However, Kong escapes and wreaks havoc in the city, ultimately climbing the Empire State Building before meeting his tragic end.
After a nuclear explosion awakens a giant turtle monster, Gamera goes on a rampage in Japan, endangering its population. The military and scientists must find a way to stop Gamera's destructive path before it's too late.
When a series of disasters hit Earth, including a magnetic storm and a meteor collision, a team of scientists must use experimental technology to save the planet from destruction.
When an infected passenger boards a train crossing the Cassandra Bridge, a doctor must race against time to stop the spread of a deadly disease and prevent a catastrophic bridge collapse.
In a small town in Texas, a military experiment gone wrong unleashes a deadly swarm of killer bees. As the bees wreak havoc, a group of scientists and townspeople race against time to find a way to stop the bees before they cause mass destruction.
When a train carrying a nuclear bomb goes out of control, a team of experts must race against time to prevent a catastrophic nuclear explosion.
In Gone in 60 Seconds, a group of car thieves is forced to steal 50 cars in one night to save their brother's life. With the clock ticking, they face numerous obstacles, including the police, rival criminals, and a drug lord. The high-stakes operation leads to thrilling car chases, daring escapes, and explosive action.
In 1906, a scientific expedition on a train in Siberia becomes a nightmare when an alien creature starts possessing the passengers, leading to chaos and violence. The anthropologist and the monk on board must find a way to stop the monster before it kills everyone on the train.
A scientist named Jack Griffin discovers a way to make himself invisible using a new drug. However, the drug has a side effect that causes him to become insane and homicidal. As he goes on a killing spree, the police, led by a detective named Kemp, try to track him down and stop his reign of terror. Griffin's mad pursuit of power and his attempts to find a cure for his condition lead to chaos and destruction.
On January 18th, 1977, a crowded commuter train heading for Sydney, came off the track and struck the pillars of an overhead road bridge, crushing part of the train and killing 83 passengers and injuring more than 200 others. This story follows the coronial inquiry into the crash with flash-backs to the main story, and the efforts of the rescuers to free the injured victims.