On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas. Tom Hanks plays the train conductor of a magical train heading for the North Pole, in addition to five other parts. Based on a storybook written by Chris Van Allsburg, the Christmas story tells of a boy who has reached an age when he begins to have doubts believing in Santa...
Criss-cross Japan by rail. Enjoy an amazing diversity of nature and scenery across the four seasons, exploring both well-known and hidden Japan.
Mr. Bean wins a trip to Cannes where he unwittingly separates a young boy from his father and must help the two reunite. On the way he discovers France, bicycling, and true love.
Discover the secrets of Japan's railways, from the newest technologies and systems in use, to travel tips and must-see places.
In the 22nd century, a war rages inside a man-made shelter due to climate change making Earth uninhabitable. Jung Yi, the elite leader of the allied forces, becomes the focus of a brain cloning experiment that could determine the outcome of the war.
Anna Karenina is an aristocrat who falls in love with Count Vronsky, despite being married to Alexei Karenin. Their affair leads to a series of events that ultimately result in tragedy.
In an alternate reality in Japan, railroads were the most popular form of travel and transportation. But the difference with these railways is that the trains were paired up with humanoid modules called “Railords.” Due to a popular new form of travel, the railroads were practically forgotten about and eventually, railways were discontinued…
Anna Karenina was a 1977 BBC television adaptation of Tolstoy's novel.
Night and Fog is a powerful and haunting documentary film that explores the horrors of the Holocaust. It provides an unflinching look at the atrocities committed during World War II, particularly in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. Through a combination of archival footage, photographs, and interviews, the film examines the role of the Nazis, the experiences of the prisoners, and the lasting impact of the Holocaust on humanity. It serves as a stark reminder of the atrocities of war and the importance of remembering history.
After his wife's death, a man decides to visit his grown children unannounced. As he travels, he discovers the true nature of their lives and mend the broken bonds of family.
In 1906, a scientific expedition on a train in Siberia becomes a nightmare when an alien creature starts possessing the passengers, leading to chaos and violence. The anthropologist and the monk on board must find a way to stop the monster before it kills everyone on the train.
When a woman disappears on a train, a group of passengers band together to uncover the truth. With twists and turns, they unravel a conspiracy involving spies and manipulative behavior.
In this sexually charged drama, two sisters confront their forbidden desires while staying in a hotel room. With very little dialogue, the film delves into themes of incestuous desire, sexual problems, and the complexity of human relationships.
A couple, expecting their first child, travel across the US to find the perfect place to settle down. Along the way, they encounter various eccentric characters and learn valuable lessons about love and family.
Two Navy officers are given the duty of escorting a young sailor to prison but decide to help him have one last adventure before he is incarcerated.
This rom-com set in London during the Christmas season follows Adam and Emma on their daily commute from the village of Langton to London, where they meet the same passengers every day. When their train breaks down in the countryside, Adam decides to break the taboo of talking to strangers on a train and invites the whole carriage to their own Christmas party.
A newlywed couple stays at a hotel in Belgium where they encounter a beautiful and enigmatic countess who turns out to be a vampire. The countess seduces the husband and begins to exert a dark influence over him, leading to a series of disturbing events. As the husband falls deeper under the countess's spell, his wife becomes increasingly suspicious and fearful for her life.
The Spider Woman is a female serial killer who is disguised as a sheik. She poses as different characters to trap unsuspecting victims. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson are on the case to stop her. The plot involves murder, deception, and a web of clues.
A police detective in Japan investigates the mysterious disappearance of a woman and uncovers a web of secrets and lies. As he delves deeper into the case, he finds himself confronting his own past and facing the dark underbelly of society.