On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas. Tom Hanks plays the train conductor of a magical train heading for the North Pole, in addition to five other parts. Based on a storybook written by Chris Van Allsburg, the Christmas story tells of a boy who has reached an age when he begins to have doubts believing in Santa...
Petticoat Junction is a classic sitcom comedy that takes place in the fictional town of Hooterville. The show revolves around a close-knit family, the Bradleys, who run the Shady Rest Hotel near the railway junction. The three sisters - Billie Jo, Bobbie Jo, and Betty Jo - along with their Uncle Joe, manage the hotel and get involved in various funny situations. The show highlights the challenges of running a small business in a rural setting, along with the typical dynamics of a family living in a small town.
With an unmanned, half-mile-long freight train barreling toward a city, a veteran engineer and a young conductor race against the clock to prevent a catastrophe. The train's odyssey becomes a media event, with various attempts made to stop it. Eventually, the engineer and conductor catch up with the runaway train and manage to slow it down, preventing a disaster.
On its maiden run, the world's fastest bullet train is rigged with a bomb that will explode if it dips below 200 mph.
Set in Nazi-occupied France during World War II, 'The Train' tells the story of a train engineer who becomes involved in a plot to steal precious artworks from a museum before they fall into the hands of the Germans. As he navigates through danger and betrayal, he must race against time to save the priceless treasures.
Television version of the classic train story of Casey Jones, the engineer of the steam-engine powered "Cannonball Express".
When a woman disappears on a train, a group of passengers band together to uncover the truth. With twists and turns, they unravel a conspiracy involving spies and manipulative behavior.
During the American Civil War, a Southern engineer leads a locomotive chase to recover his stolen train, 'The General', from Union spies.
Human Desire tells the story of a man trapped in a loveless marriage who becomes obsessed with a married woman. As their relationship intensifies, it leads to murder and a web of deceit.
Kontroll is a dark comedy set in the underground subway system of Budapest. It follows the daily adventures of a group of ticket inspectors who face various challenges and encounters with passengers. The story revolves around a young inspector who is determined to prove himself and find redemption amidst the chaos.
In Charlotte Gray, a young Scottish woman living in France joins the French Resistance and becomes an undercover agent during World War II. She takes on dangerous missions, deals with suspicion and betrayal, and experiences love and loss.
Rails & Ties follows the story of a train engineer, Tom, whose life takes a dramatic turn when his wife, Megan, is diagnosed with terminal cancer. As Megan's condition worsens, the couple adopts a young orphan boy named Davey. Tom struggles to balance his responsibilities as a train engineer and a caretaker, while also dealing with the emotional toll of Megan's illness. The story takes a tragic turn when a railway accident changes the lives of all involved.
Denver and Rio Grande is a classic western film set in the 1870s during the post-American Civil War era. The plot revolves around a fierce business competition between two railroad companies, with a saloon owner, framed for murder, seeking revenge on his brother's death. The story features gun violence, sabotage, train robberies, and a race against time to lay railroad tracks in the treacherous Colorado Mountains. It combines the thrill of a traditional B-western with stunning Technicolor visuals and explosive action scenes.
In La Bête Humaine, a railwayman becomes entangled in a complex web of murder, jealousy, and family secrets, leading to tragic events. As he investigates a murder, he becomes involved in a troubled marriage, unfaithfulness, violence against women, and the consequences of fate and heredity. Through the story's twists and turns, the railwayman's life is forever changed.
Other Men's Women is a romantic drama set in the 1930s. It follows the story of an Irish-American train engineer who falls in love with his best friend's wife. The film explores themes of adultery, self-sacrifice, and the consequences of forbidden love. As the plot unfolds, the characters face a series of challenges, including a train crash, a river flood, and personal tragedies. The movie portrays the emotional turmoil of the characters as they navigate through complicated relationships and societal expectations.
In the 1870s, a traveling salesman arrives in a small Colorado town to sell his products. However, he soon finds himself caught up in a comedy of errors involving a stagecoach, a peace treaty, a Chinese man, a sharpshooter, a dance hall girl, and a racist stereotype. With the help of a female empowerment troupe and a US Marshal, he attempts to navigate the chaotic situation and save the day.
In the 1860s, during the construction of the Kansas Pacific railroad, a group of saboteurs led by William Quantrill plot to disrupt the project and steal the payroll. A dedicated fireman, undercover army agent, and the railroad construction crew must come together to stop them and protect the railroad.
The Iron Horse tells the story of the construction of the intercontinental railroad in 19th century America. It follows the hardships and challenges faced by the workers, as well as the conflicts with Native American tribes and the threat of murder. Set in the backdrop of the American Midwest, the film explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the ambition to connect the East and the West.
The gang is playing around the railroad station, and Joe and Chubby's father, an engineer, lectures against the kids playing in such a dangerous area. True to his word, after Joe and Chubby's father leaves, a crazy man starts a train with most of the kids on it, save for Farina who is nearly run over several times. Once Farina manages to climb aboard himself, the kids attempt to stop the runaway locomotive, but have no luck until the engine crashes into a grocery truck. As it turns out, however, the entire incident is revealed to be a dream Farina had as Joe and Chubby's father lectured the kids about rail-yard safety.
In 'The Lonedale Operator,' a courageous telegraph operator finds herself caught in the middle of a train robbery. With her quick thinking and resourcefulness, she must find a way to outsmart the robbers and save the day.