On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas. Tom Hanks plays the train conductor of a magical train heading for the North Pole, in addition to five other parts. Based on a storybook written by Chris Van Allsburg, the Christmas story tells of a boy who has reached an age when he begins to have doubts believing in Santa...
Dinosaur Train is an animated TV show that follows Buddy and his friends as they travel through time and space on the Dinosaur Train. Together, they discover different species of dinosaurs, learn about their unique traits, and explore the wonders of the prehistoric world. With the help of their train conductor, Mr. Conductor, the young dinosaurs navigate through various challenges and learn valuable lessons about friendship, family, and the importance of diversity.
Five assassins with different missions find themselves aboard a bullet train. As they interact, they realize that their missions are interconnected and must work together to survive.
In Exorcist II: The Heretic, a teenage girl with repressed memories, Regan MacNeil, is sent to Africa for psychotherapy. There, she becomes the target of a demonic possession and is connected to the events of the first film, The Exorcist. As Regan's possession worsens, a priest, Father Lamont, is tasked with investigating her case and uncovering the truth behind her past. The film explores themes of good versus evil, religion and supernatural forces, guilt, and crisis of faith. It is set in the 1970s and takes viewers on a surreal and supernatural journey.
Shining Time Station is a beloved TV show set in a magical train station that transports its visitors to various adventures. The stationmaster, along with his miniature assistant, uses the power of storytelling to teach important life lessons to the characters who visit. With a mix of comedy, fantasy, and family-friendly themes, Shining Time Station captures the hearts of viewers with its charm and wholesome entertainment.
In the dark woods of England, passengers on an overnight train find themselves trapped with a bloodthirsty werewolf. As the full moon rises, they must fight for their survival against the vicious creature. Blood is shed, bodies are torn apart, and the train becomes a bloodbath. With betrayal and violence lurking around every corner, they must find a way to repair the train and escape the deadly nightmare.
Chennai Express is the story of a man who boards a train to fulfill his grandfather's last wish, but ends up getting involved in a series of misadventures. Along the way, he meets a woman who becomes his companion in the chaos. Together, they navigate through action-packed situations, comedic moments, and romantic rivalries. Will they be able to survive the cross-country trip and find love amidst the chaos?
Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, Gonzo, and the rest of the Muppets set off on their biggest adventure yet as they try to make it on Broadway. Along the way, they encounter hilarious obstacles, find new friendships, and discover the true meaning of togetherness.
When an infected passenger boards a train crossing the Cassandra Bridge, a doctor must race against time to stop the spread of a deadly disease and prevent a catastrophic bridge collapse.
Julieta is a drama film that explores the themes of guilt, loneliness, and the strained relationship between a mother and daughter. Set in Madrid, the movie follows Julieta, a single mother who is haunted by the guilt of her past actions. As she navigates through her own depression and the complexities of love, she discovers the strength of friendship and the power of memory. Along the way, she must confront her past mistakes and come to terms with her troubled family history. The film delves into the depths of human emotions and showcases the profound impact that our actions can have on our lives and the lives of those around us.
A group of college students throw a New Year's Eve party on a train, but soon discover that a masked killer is on board and killing off passengers one by one. As they try to survive, the students must uncover the identity of the killer and stop them before it's too late. With a mix of mystery, horror, and thriller elements, Terror Train keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its intense and suspenseful plot.
After the disappearance of a teenage girl, a man returns to his hometown and confronts his lost love, unraveling the mysteries of his past and the secrets of the town. Along the way, he finds himself reevaluating his own identity and facing deep emotions.
Based on the novel 'The Postman Always Rings Twice,' Ossessione follows the story of a drifter who becomes entangled in a passionate affair with a married woman. Their illicit relationship takes a dark turn when they decide to murder her husband.
Landscape in the Mist follows the story of two young children who set out on a journey to find their father, whom they have never met. They face various challenges and obstacles along the way, navigating through a world filled with uncertainty and the harsh realities of life. Their innocence and determination fuel their incredible journey, as they encounter different people and places, learning about themselves and the world around them.
Human Desire tells the story of a man trapped in a loveless marriage who becomes obsessed with a married woman. As their relationship intensifies, it leads to murder and a web of deceit.
A group of college co-eds find themselves on a train with a psychopath who starts murdering them one by one. As they struggle to survive, they must uncover the truth behind the killer's identity and motives.
Songs from the Second Floor is a surreal and dark comedy-drama film that takes place in Sweden. The movie follows the lives of several characters who are dealing with the chaos and absurdity of an impending apocalypse. Through interconnected storylines, the film explores themes of unhappiness, unfaithfulness, loneliness, and the human condition. With its unique visual style and poetic storytelling, Songs from the Second Floor offers a thought-provoking and unconventional cinematic experience.
Santa Fe Trail is a drama set during the American Civil War and follows the story of a group of West Point graduates assigned to Kansas to help quell the rising tensions and violence caused by the slavery abolitionist movement. As they navigate treacherous territory and encounter various challenges, they learn the true meaning of loyalty and sacrifice.
Rails & Ties follows the story of a train engineer, Tom, whose life takes a dramatic turn when his wife, Megan, is diagnosed with terminal cancer. As Megan's condition worsens, the couple adopts a young orphan boy named Davey. Tom struggles to balance his responsibilities as a train engineer and a caretaker, while also dealing with the emotional toll of Megan's illness. The story takes a tragic turn when a railway accident changes the lives of all involved.
Night Train is a crime, horror, mystery, and thriller movie that takes place on a train during a snowy night. The story revolves around a train conductor who discovers a body in a suitcase and becomes entangled in a web of deceit and murder. As the night progresses, the passengers on the train are killed off one by one, and the conductor must unravel the mystery and find the killer before it's too late.