Ed, Edd n Eddy follows the lives of three preteen boys, Ed, Edd, and Eddy, who have a variety of misadventures in their suburban neighborhood. They constantly scheme to make money, play pranks on their neighbors, and avoid the Kanker Sisters, a group of girls who have a crush on them. The show is known for its slapstick comedy, surreal humor, and unique animation style.
Trailer Park Boys is a dark comedy mockumentary series that follows the lives of Julian, Ricky, and Bubbles, three petty criminals living in Sunnyvale Trailer Park. They constantly get involved in various illegal activities while dealing with the challenges of their dysfunctional community.
While out hunting, Llewelyn finds the aftermath of a drug deal and takes the cash left behind. He becomes the hunted as a killer named Chigurh picks up his trail.
Patrick, a strange and lonely resident, lives in a mobile home at the back of an isolated caravan park. After a violent thunderstorm erupts, a mysterious young woman appears at his door, seeking shelter from the weather. The longer the night wears on and the more the young woman discovers about Patrick, the more difficult she finds it to leave. Soon she begins to question Patrick’s intentions, while Patrick begins to question his own grip on reality...
Aliens invade Earth and deploy destructive ships in major cities. Mankind fights back with the help of a satellite technician, a fighter pilot, and a scientist. They discover that the aliens are using Earth's technology against them. The survivors launch a counterattack but fail to penetrate the aliens' force field. However, they manage to capture an alien and take it to Area 51. The president learns about the aliens' plan to destroy Earth and orders a nuclear attack. The survivors come up with a plan to disable the aliens' shields and destroy the mothership. They successfully execute the plan and defeat the aliens, saving the world.
Jimmy, a young rapper from Detroit, faces numerous challenges as he tries to kickstart his music career. Along the way, he navigates through personal relationships, confronts his own insecurities, and battles against a rap group called The Leaders of the Free World. With determination and self-discovery, Jimmy overcomes his obstacles and ultimately finds the confidence to pursue his dreams of becoming a successful artist.
In a web of criminal underworld, a group of amateur robbers, unlicensed boxing promoters, and a Russian gangster are entangled in a hunt for a priceless stolen diamond.
Wonderfalls follows the story of Jaye Tyler, a recent philosophy graduate working as a retail employee at a souvenir shop near Niagara Falls. She starts receiving messages from inanimate objects, compelling her to help people in bizarre and unexpected ways. With her supernatural powers and eccentricity, Jaye navigates through the challenges of her personal life and familial relationships.
A Chinese immigrant named Keung arrives in the Bronx and gets involved in a dangerous conflict with organized crime. With his martial arts skills, Keung fights to protect his community and take down the criminals.
In Bones and All, a young woman named Maren embarks on a 1000 mile journey across America, where she meets Lee, a drifter with a dark secret. As their paths intertwine, they are forced to confront their terrifying pasts and make a final stand that will test their love and survival. Can love endure their otherness?
Pink Flamingos is a transgressive film that depicts the life of Divine, a notorious criminal and underground celebrity, as she competes with a couple for the title of the filthiest person alive. The movie explores themes of obscene acts, bizarre fetishes, and extreme violence in a satirical and shocking manner.
In Friday the 13th: A New Beginning, a new mysterious man emerges as the sadistic killer terrorizes a group of characters in the backwoods. With a high body count, gruesome murders, and a masked villain, the rampage continues in this slasher film.
A family decides to make a stop at a deserted trailer park during their road trip. Little do they know, a sadistic psychopath and his masked accomplices are waiting to unleash a night of terror upon them. As the family fights to survive, the body count rises and the horrifying truth about their assailants is revealed.
Killer Joe follows a dysfunctional family who hires a sadistic psychopath to murder their estranged mother for the insurance money. As the plan unfolds, dark secrets and twisted desires come to light, leading to brutal violence and unexpected consequences.
After a series of mysterious bear killings, a group of students embark on an investigation that leads them to uncover a secret government organization tasked with hunting trolls. As they document their journey, they encounter dangerous creatures, face life-threatening situations, and learn about the dark secrets hidden in the Norwegian wilderness.
In a small Minnesota town, a beauty pageant becomes a hotbed of sabotage and murder, as the contestants and their families compete for the crown. With a cast of eccentric characters and unexpected twists, Drop Dead Gorgeous is a hilarious and dark satire of small-town America.
Anatomy of a Murder is a courtroom drama that delves into the complexities of a murder trial. It follows Paul Biegler, a defense attorney, as he defends a man accused of murdering a bartender who allegedly raped his wife. Throughout the trial, Biegler navigates through the legal system and confronts ethical questions surrounding justice and truth.
When Dorothy Gale enters the magical land of Oz, she teams up with the Muppets - Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion - to find the Wizard and defeat the Wicked Witch of the West. Along the way, they encounter adventure, comedy, and music in their quest to return home to Kansas.
An ex-convict and alcoholic father goes on the run with his teenage daughter after she becomes the target of a Mexican drug cartel. As they navigate the dangerous criminal underworld, they must confront their troubled past and find redemption.
Freeway is a dark comedy about a teenage girl, Vanessa, who must go on the run from a psychopathic serial killer after her mother is arrested. Along the way, she encounters various eccentric characters, including a friendly prostitute and a manipulative hitchhiker. As Vanessa tries to navigate the dangerous streets of California, she must rely on her street smarts to survive.