Butterfly is a heartwarming and thought-provoking TV show that follows the journey of an 11-year-old boy named Max, who struggles with gender identity and societal pressure. Max's divorced parents, Vicky and Stephen, have different views on how to support him, leading to conflict and emotional challenges. The show explores themes of self-discovery, acceptance, and the complexities of family relationships.
Sinohara Yuri (Fumika Baba) is a young female college student who has been troubled by a dangerous stalker who won’t leave her alone.
The Pumpkin Eater tells the story of a woman who finds herself in a troubled marriage, dealing with an unfaithful husband and multiple marriages. She battles depression and emotional breakdowns, while also facing the societal pressures of being a fertile woman. The movie explores themes of female subjugation, betrayal, and the hardships of traditional gender roles.
The Cobweb is a drama set in a psychiatric hospital, where the lives of the patients and staff become intertwined. The story revolves around the conflicts and dynamics within the hospital, exploring themes of dysfunctional marriage, mental illness, and personal struggles.
In 'Latin Lovers,' an American oil tycoon meets a Brazilian man and they embark on a whirlwind romance, facing various obstacles along the way. The movie explores cross-cultural relationships and the challenges of love.
Nic, Leo, Andrea and Raff determine their own gender identities. Each of their gender biographies is different, but the societal barriers to their social, physical and legal changes are the same. Together they are strong.
In 'The Feminist on Cellblock Y', the film delves into the intersection of feminism and toxic masculinity within the confines of a prison. It examines the struggles of incarcerated individuals as they navigate traditional gender roles, objectification, and fitting in. The documentary also tackles topics such as drug addiction, suicide, and the impact of patriarchy in the prison system. Through the lens of gender stereotypes and the need for rehabilitation, it sheds light on the challenges faced by inmates in a patriarchal society.
Japan’s Secret Shame is a powerful documentary that sheds light on the pervasive issue of sexual violence in Japan. Through survivor testimonies and shocking CCTV footage, the film brings to the forefront the alarming prevalence of male violence against women, including cases of rape of unconscious persons and victims drugged into memory loss. The documentary explores the deeply rooted traditional sex roles and objectification of women in Japanese society that contribute to the persistence of unpunished sex crimes. It also delves into the flaws in the justice system and challenges faced by rape victims in seeking justice. Japan’s Secret Shame is a compelling social documentary that exposes the taboo subject of sexual violence against women in Japan.
"Die Unbeugsamen" ("The Indomitable") is the story of women's struggle against sexual discrimination and for inclusion in the democratic process in (West) Germany after WW II.
Washington state lawmakers, activists and parents embark on a crusade to protect the civil rights of transgender children.
The first UK documentary feature to look at the clash between women’s rights and gender ideology. In record time, gender ideology has captured the big institutions: the police, the political parties, the media, the universities and major corporations have taken up the cause in the name of inclusiveness. Gender ideology allows men to identify into the female sex - but is that really harmless? Is it progressive for doctors to modify the bodies of young people in the name of changing their 'gender'? There has been a manufactured confusion around sex and gender. At the same time we are told that 'there is no debate'. Dissenters are cast as 'haters' and cancelled. This is not only a struggle to defend women’s rights - at risk is safeguarding for children and young people, biological reality, reason and even democracy. Reality denial comes at a price.
Film about the gender binary. What is it, how does it manifest itself in our minds and our lives - and how can we go beyond? Just how different are “men” and “women?” Are they even two distinct groups? This film follows individuals and communities, experts and artists around the globe who right now are radically and joyfully redefining gender as we know it.
A short film about girls playing sports and staying fit, presented by the President's Council On Physical Fitness.
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