After a 13-year-old boy named Phillip disappears, his single mother Astrid is left to navigate the emotional turmoil and uncertainties that follow. As the community rallies together to search for the missing boy, Astrid grapples with her own grief and the complexities of motherhood. The film explores themes of loss, family relationships, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Although members of the Hitler Youth chant anti-Semitic paroles in front of his house during the Purim festival, Rabbi Singer is still profoundly convinced that Germany will stay a safe country for him, his family, and his fellow believers. But several years later, his son David is banned from going to school because he is a Jew. Shortly after, Rabbi Singer and his wife are deported. Now, young David also fears for his life. In constant fear of being detected, he tries to find a way to leave Germany.
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