Nobody Knows is a Japanese drama film set in Tokyo, Japan. It tells the story of four siblings who are left to fend for themselves after their mother abandons them in their apartment. The film follows their struggles to survive and maintain a semblance of normalcy while facing neglect, malnutrition, and the challenges of being children on their own. Based on a true story, Nobody Knows explores themes of family, responsibility, and the resilience of the human spirit.
On Valentine's Day, Charlie Brown struggles with his feelings for his teacher while trying to find the perfect gift for the Little Red-Haired Girl. With the help of his friends, Charlie Brown learns the true meaning of love and friendship.
In 'A Charlie Brown Valentine,' Charlie Brown tries to find the courage to express his feelings to the Little Red-Haired Girl. With the help of his friends, he navigates the challenges of Valentine's Day and learns the true meaning of love.
Charlie Brown and his friends participate in a thrilling boat race during their summer camp, facing challenges, bullies, and the temptation to cheat. Will they be able to overcome obstacles and triumph in the race?
A housewife is brutally assaulted in an unfinished construction zone of her apartment complex by a masked man. She somehow survives but other women are soon discovered, murdered then set on fire. Meanwhile she reignites an affair with a former lover but slowly begins to suspect he might be connected to the killings.
Forty Shades of Blue is a drama film that tells the story of a woman who becomes involved in relationships with both her father-in-law and stepson. It explores themes of forbidden love, infidelity, and the complexities of family dynamics. Set in the music industry, the film follows the protagonist as she navigates the challenges of her personal and professional life.
An estranged family goes through the painful process of healing their wounds in this drama set in modern-day Singapore.
What's Up Doc? is a hilarious and surreal animated movie that tells the story of a hilarious rise to fame in show business. The movie follows the main character, an anthropomorphic rabbit, as he navigates through various challenges and obstacles on his journey to stardom. With its comedic and surreal elements, the movie provides entertainment for both kids and adults.
In a Walt Disney Family Museum original production directed by Don Hahn, view Disney family home movies and holiday segments from Walt’s shorts and feature films as Walt’s daughter, Diane, shares her Christmas memories alongside Disney family home movies, holiday segments classic Disney films, and vintage Disneyland footage.
A strange balloon with an eye floats towards infinity, accompanied by surreal imagery of trains, zeppelins, and other fantastical elements.
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