In a not-too-distant future, where everything has completely unraveled into chaos, the Ministry of Intergalactic Crises urges citizens to abandon Earth before the inevitable unfolds, offering interplanetary flights to the J-18 orbital settlements. Meanwhile, in a desolate bar—perhaps the last bar standing—23 minutes before the final flights depart, a couple wrestles with a decision: is it time to end their tumultuous relationship once and for all?
Knife+Heart is a gripping drama that takes place in Paris, France in 1979. The movie follows a film producer who becomes obsessed with solving the mystery of a serial killer targeting gay pornographers. As the producer delves deeper into the investigation, she finds herself tangled in a web of dangerous relationships and dark secrets. The film explores themes of love, sexuality, and the dark underbelly of the film industry.
L'Inhumaine is a silent film set in the Belle Epoque era, where a famous prima donna is poisoned to death by a snakebite. She is then revived using a futuristic invention by a scientist. As she navigates her revived life, she encounters a series of events including her interactions with a black servant and musician, a cruel and attention-seeking admirer, and her own obsession with a maharaja. The film explores themes of love, toxic relationships, and the blurred lines between life and death.
Revolves around a criminal prosecutor who penned the law on stalking in California and is based on the true story of a hot-head cop and polished district attorney who team to bring a stalker obsessed with her former lover to justice.
Monica was born into the darkness of abuse and forged in trauma. Once triggered, Monica embarks on a journey using her manipulative personality - filled with mistrust, fear, and a desire to be loved, to seek a mother figure who will love her unconditionally or die trying. Who says love doesn’t cost a thing?
A lonely, recluse sculptor must confront his inner turmoil and reckon with his romantic desires when his statue comes to life.
A night in the life of two blacklight gossip queens in the year 2999.
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