In They Call Me Jeeg (2015), a small-time crook named Enzo Ceccotti becomes a superhero known as "Jeeg" after being exposed to radioactive waste. He reluctantly uses his newfound powers to fight against the Camorra, a powerful criminal organization in Rome, Italy. Along the way, Enzo forms an unlikely relationship with a young woman named Alessia, whom he saves from being taken hostage by the Camorra. Together, they navigate through a world filled with violence and corruption, as Enzo tries to come to terms with his identity as a superhero and his role in protecting the city he calls home.
Originally a comic aimed at black South Africans, Mighty Man was later made into a movie, released in 1978. Mighty Man was branded as South Africa's equivalent of Super Man, fighting gangsters and drug lords. The spoken language is is Zulu and the film is presumed ‘Lost’.
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