In this animated short film, various characters from classic literature come to life in a bookshop, causing chaos and hilarity. The film showcases famous literary figures such as the Phantom of the Opera, Frankenstein's monster, and the Invisible Man, among others. The comedic antics of these characters create a whimsical and entertaining story for audiences of all ages.
After divorcing his wife, Cosmo Topper takes a trip to the French Riviera. During his stay, he encounters a ghost who wants his help in performing a good deed. Together, they get involved in a series of misadventures, including a trial, roulette games, and encounters with fortune hunters. Amidst all the chaos, Cosmo discovers the true meaning of love and friendship.
The ghost of his teenage love returns to sensuously haunt a repressed sex-therapist on the even of his wedding to a calculating ice-queen.
During World War II, a clumsy detective named Major Kardos gets involved in various adventures and mishaps, including a race, a gang, a veteran pilot, and a series of thefts. With his quirky personality and bumbling ways, Kardos must navigate through dangerous situations to solve the mysteries and bring justice.
A heroine is going to become a Diva. She had to review her past.
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