Ang Pinaka is a Filipino & English news and variety show hosted by Rovilson Fernandez on GMA News TV in the Philippines. The program first aired on November 13, 2005 with host Pia Guanio.
Based on the book White Circus by Ken Read, this is the story of the Canadian skiing legends that became the first North Americans to crack the Euro dominated World Cup Circuit in 1975
A compelling short documentary on the life of Farmer Dave Graham, whose experiences with bullying and violence and coming out on reality television, aided him in discovering his life's purpose back on the farm.
Mark Radcliffe presents a countdown of the ten songs which have earned the most money of all time - ten classic songs each with an extraordinary story behind them. Radcliffe lifts the lid on how music royalties work and reveals the biggest winners and losers in the history of popular music.
A&E's Top Ten series featured shows built around his discoveries and utilizing his authoritative rankings of exotic travel destinations.
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