Brother Bear 2 is an animated adventure comedy that follows the journey of a grizzly bear named Kenai. After being transformed into a bear himself, Kenai must find a way to reverse the spell and regain his human form. Along the way, he encounters various obstacles and forms unlikely friendships. With the help of his new companions, Kenai embarks on a quest to restore harmony and return to his rightful existence.
Twisted (2004) follows a detective investigating a series of murders that lead him to confront his own twisted past. As he delves deeper into the case, he becomes entangled in a web of lies, deception, and betrayal. With each twist and turn, the truth becomes more elusive, and the line between right and wrong begins to blur.
When an immigration crisis causes tensions to boil over, the United States finds itself on the brink of a second civil war. Amidst the chaos, a diverse cast of characters including politicians, lobbyists, journalists, and everyday citizens must navigate the absurdity and violence of the conflict.
Basilicata Coast to Coast is a comedic musical that follows a music group as they embark on a road trip to a music festival in Basilicata. However, they face various obstacles along the way, including a car crash, fishing adventures, and romantic encounters. Will they make it to the festival on time?
Something bizarre has come to Los Angeles. Men are dying and women are disappearing. Vulnerable and unprepared, Kat ventures out into the chaos.
A twinless twin struggles with her identity while a sheeted being attempts to rescue her.
Snub and his wife give up their bungalow and allow another couple to move in. Then it develops that they can't find another home, and must live in an improvised tent.
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