Trouble in Paradise is a delightful romantic comedy directed by Ernst Lubitsch. The film follows the story of a suave jewel thief and a crafty con artist who team up to commit a series of robberies. However, their plans are complicated when they both fall in love with the same woman, leading to a hilarious and unpredictable chain of events.
Smugglers are using a device for controlling airplanes in flight, and newspaper reporters from Chicago are vying for the story. Reporter Elmer Lane is out to scoop rival reporter Betty Harrison, and capture her heart in the process.
Entertaining Our Gang comedy has poor Mickey in the hospital being fed castor oil when his friends stop by to pay him a visit. As you'd expect, the kids start making all sorts of noise so the doctors decide to teach them a lesson by scaring them.
Patient Charlie McCarthy, running a fever, is tended by Doctor Edgar Bergen. Will a tonsillectomy cure him?
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