Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is an animated TV show that follows the adventures of a new group of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, consisting of Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo. Together, they protect New York City from various villains and threats, using their ninja skills and teamwork. This series features a fresh take on the beloved characters, with new designs, personalities, and storylines.
The Ninja Turtles, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo, team up to fight crime in New York City using their martial arts skills. With their rat sensei, Splinter, they battle against their arch-nemesis, Shredder, and his army of villains. Along the way, they encounter various mystical creatures and embark on exciting adventures.
In a small village, a warlord plans to take over and kill innocent people. A group of skilled martial artists must come together to protect the village and defeat the warlord.
In Sister Street Fighter, a female martial artist seeks revenge after her brother is thought to be dead and her sister is raped. She infiltrates a drug ring operated by a female yakuza and uses her skills in martial arts to take them down. Along the way, she encounters betrayal, secret doors, duels, and a strong female character who is not afraid to fight back. This grindhouse film from Hong Kong is filled with action, kickboxing, and intense fight scenes, making it a must-watch for fans of martial arts movies.
After her sister is kidnapped by a crime boss, a female martial artist seeks revenge and infiltrates the criminal organization using her martial arts skills and hidden weapons. Along the way, she encounters dangerous situations, engages in intense fights, and faces various challenges as she fights to rescue her sister.
This martial arts film set in the 1920s pits masters from kung fu and karate styles of fighting against each other. The Japanese are planning an invasion of China, and spies are sent to infiltrate the mobsters regime on the island.
In The Future, A Computer bug sets a new breed of armed and dangerous villains loose on an unsuspecting world. Digital game characters who govern their own destiny and with global domination at their cyber fingerprints pose the biggest threat to mankind. Our greatest hope lies with the "Techno Warriors" to capture and drag them back into the digital domain.
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