Mixed Doubles is a Japanese drama film that follows the story of a housewife who joins a sports club and discovers her passion for table tennis. As she trains and competes, she navigates a spicy love triangle and confronts personal challenges, all while finding herself through the sport.
Glenn Nygård, a 40 year old tomato-planter has for the past five years been falling in love with the local bar-keeper Laila. His harsh father has raised Glenn locked-up in the basement of his house. There Glenn has learned to master the guitar but not how to handle women. When Glenn´s father dies abruptly, he finds a stack of letters which where assigned by his mother. The mother might still live somewhere in Sweden. Glenn locks the house down and leaves...
Mix is a heartwarming movie that revolves around the lives of a group of friends who form a table tennis club. It explores themes of love, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams. The movie takes place in Japan and follows the journey of the characters as they navigate their personal struggles and find solace and strength in the sport of ping-pong.
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