In the comedy Just Add Water, a middle-aged couple living in a rural area in California finds themselves in an unexpected situation when a tollbooth guard discovers that their pet turtle has a taste for methamphetamine. As their lives take a dramatic turn, they navigate issues such as vigilante justice, romance, and dealing with a bad landlord. With a quirky storyline and relatable characters, this movie showcases the challenges and adventures of life in a rural setting.
In the dark comedy crime thriller 'The Toll', a tollbooth guard gets caught up in a web of murder, hidden identities, and double-crosses in a remote area of Wales. With a misunderstanding leading to a shot through the head, a criminal gang, and a mute man held prisoner, chaos ensues as the plot twists and turns.
A 16 year old son and his single mother are forced to reckon their true identities. What and who is an accidental hero? The answers are forthcoming as tragic circumstances upset the lives of our protagonists.
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