Set in a small Dalmatian island during the Croatian War of Independence in 1991, the film follows the lives of various characters, including an aspiring painter, an art history professor, and a rock band, as they navigate the complexities of war while dealing with issues of love, infidelity, and political satire.
Occupation in 26 Pictures is a powerful drama that takes place during the Italian occupation of Yugoslavia in World War II. The film tells the story of the hardships faced by the local population, the resistance movement, and the brutalities of war. It explores themes of fear, betrayal, revenge, and ultimately, the triumph of the human spirit.
In a small town on a Dalmatian island in Croatia, the spirit of Marshal Tito haunts the residents. As rumors spread and the town's mayor tries to capitalize on the ghostly presence, a police officer embarks on an investigation to uncover the truth. This absurd comedy explores themes of communism, capitalism, socialism, and the legacy of Titoism in post-Yugoslavia.
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